Online & In-Person: 7 Great Medicine Buddha Empowerment (Jenang)

Online & In-Person: 7 Great Medicine Buddha Empowerment (Jenang)

If Lockdown lifts you can come in person. To come in person just show up and or register and pay online.

The Request For This Teaching
A student of Rinpoche’s is sick. Her astrology chart indicates she needs to receive the Medicine Buddha Empowerment and she has not received it previously. We can not find one near her so kindly Rinpoche is going to bestow the Medicine Buddha Empowerment Online.

About the Empowerment
Please note that empowerments are not recorded. You must receive it in real-time. 
The medicine Buddha is the doctor that cures all suffering. Khentrul Rinpoche has prepared a sadhana for us and included this empowerment so that we may be able to improve the conditions for ourself and all sentient beings. Experience the power of bringing the Medicine Buddha in your life to help yourself, loved ones or people in the world who are ill and suffering from sickness and other obstacles. 

Practice Book
The Medicine Buddha is a profound method for clearing away hindrances and establishing conducive conditions for the practice of Dharma. Khentrul Rinpoche has arranged a short practice based on the visionary experience of Dölpopa. The conciseness of the practice allows you to easily integrate it into your own daily life.

We will provide online registrants with an eBook to follow along with step-by-step which is available in English, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Romanian, and Mongolian.


1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. Choose your preferred language. You will receive a confirmation email.

2) Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you (you can’t read an eBook and be on zoom at the same time) please indicate on the registration form so we can work to accommodate you.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for session.

It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.

Online: Shambhala Prayers Commentary

Online: Shambhala Prayers Commentary

Shambhala Prayer Times

AEST Melbourne Timezone

Saturday September 25
Session 1 5:00 PM AEST
Session 2 7:30 PM AEST
Session 3 10:00 PM AEST

Sunday September 26
Session 4 5:00 PM AEST
Session 5 7:30 PM ASEST
Session 6 10:00 PM AEST

In this free two day teaching and practice retreat, Khentrul Rinpoche will give a line by line commentary on the 3 prayers he wrote about the Sublime Realm of Shambhala. This is a deep dive into the layers of Shambhala. We explore concepts from what is Shambhala, how we can relate to it in our life and through our death.

He will bestow the Oral Transmission of 3 Shambhala Prayers. This course will be livestreamed on Facebook.

To receive the Oral Transmissions you need to be registered. They are only available in Zoom.

For those who have the Profound Path of Vajra Yoga, the first two prayers are in there.Make an offering of Dana to Khentrul Rinpoche
It is common for those requesting an empowerment or transmission to make an offering. You can do so online here.

For those who need an introduction to Shambhala, we recommend Rinpoche’s newest book The Realm of Shambhala as preperatory reading.The Realm of Shambhala presents the Kalachakra Tantra’s multilayered approach to Shambhala as taught by the Tibetan Buddhist Jonang tradition. Understood to be an ancient kingdom and physical place, Shambhala is also taught to be an exalted state of mind attainable by all through practice. Through cultivating peace and extending it into harmonious relationships with others, the transformative power of Shambhala can enter everyday life.

This book details the tradition’s perspective on the origins of Kalachakra literature and includes extensive lineage narratives of Jonang masters who have upheld this tradition in India and Tibet. Khentrul Rinpoche joins practical teachings with a vision for humanity rooted in ancient prophecy. The Kalachakra Tantra foresees a golden age, when the individual peace attained through Kalachakra practice spreads to humankind as a whole. The Realm of Shambhala lays out a vision for how we can cultivate an unbiased mind, overcome our collective afflictions, and usher in an era of perfect peace.

Online & In-Person: Do you believe in what you see?

Online & In-Person: Do you believe in what you see?

Are you ready to take the red pill?

“Remember…All I’m Offering Is The Truth. Nothing More.I Can Only Show You The Door. You’re The One That Has To Walk Through It.”

Khentrul Rinpoche will explore the idea of What’s Real in a new course starting on September 11. In advance of this we will take a few hours to explore our own perception.Why do we firmly believe in what we perceive? Why do we think we all experience the same reality or even close realities? Rinpoche helps us explore the idea of perception. How do you know what to believe in and what to rely on? Is there any benefit in looking beyond the surface to understand what we see is not the whole picture?

Translations available on Zoom
Webinar ID: 881 4451 2405
Passcode: 108108

Online: The Vision for Land of Shambhala Project

Online: The Vision for Land of Shambhala Project

Sherab Gyalmo, our Holistic Living talk moderator, will sit down wth Khentrul Rinpoche and the Land of Shambhala team to learn about the project. Khentrul Rinpoche will give an overview of the project and let us know what has inspired this huge endeavour. Land of Shambhala is a project for the benefit of the whole world with a greater purpose to help us create the Golden Age of peace and harmony.

We will also discuss the vision and the elements of the project from Malaya Grove to the Kalachakra retreat centre and introduce our Shambhala Warriors, the core group of the project who will take us on the journey of the project over the last two years and where we are headed.


Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: Shambhala
Webinar ID: 884 9462 7095

Dzokden has purchased 40 acres of land in order to build a spiritual paradise for all types of people to experience the life changing qualities of the Kalachakra path.  Land of Shambhala will give sentient beings an opportunity to find harmony with our external environment, internal and enlightened reality. This is a space for people to authentically connect and be present in the world while living with greater vitality, love and purpose.  The centre will offer a holistic program of Kalachakra medicine, yoga, philosophy, astrology and science.

As part of Rinpoche’s vision, we will bring together the teachings of Kalachakra, the sciences and the various wisdom traditions in one place. The Land of Shambhala Holistic Life Series discussions will introduce experts in the fields of Tibetan Buddhism, Kalachakra Six Yogas, Western Psychology, Astrology, Ayurveda, Tibetan and Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Feng Shui and Sache who will discuss the benefits of these sciences and how the integrate to the vision of creating the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony in our World.

Each month, we will have guest experts talk in their respective areas of expertise in a conversational forum.  The talk series will be streamed on Facebook live and also Zoom where audiences will be given the opportunity to ask questions of our expert. 

Support the project or volunteer. 

Buddha’s Secret Golden Age Prophecy

Buddha’s Secret Golden Age Prophecy

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, war drones, modified food, disease, continuous war, rampant materialism, addiction and climate change it may seem like the world is getting worse. So how is it that the world will get better?Khentrul Rinpoche is giving the Kalachackra Empowerment July 23-25th online. This Empowerment is often linked to a Golden Age of World Peace but many people do not understand why. The secret lies in Buddha’s prophecy for a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. Find out more in Rinpoche’s upcoming talk.

Translations to be determined.…
Webinar ID: 867 0090 2518
Passcode: 108108