International Flights
You are responsible to book your own international flights. To arrange your airport pickup and dropoff you will need to send a copy of your flight itinerary.
When must I arrive in Ulaanbaatar?
Flights typically arrive in the morning to Ulaanbaatar, so we’ve planned the first day accordingly. We do recommend arriving on the morning of August 4th, the first day of the tour at the latest. We may be taking a bus the next morning to a destination over 7 hours away. If you wish to arrive early, we can help you with hotel reservations.
What time should I book my departing flight from Ulaanbaatar?
The trip is technically finished after breakfast although most flights will leave early in the morning before breakfast is served.
If you wish to stay on and continue your independent exploration of Mongolia, please plan your own trip.
First and foremost, your passport MUST be valid at least 6 months beyond the end date of the trip, and you’ll need two empty pages in the Visas section of your passport (make sure they are in the Visa section, not the Amendment or Endorsement section). Most countries require a visa for Mongolia. Please check with your local Mongolian embassy for details.
What To Bring
Traveling to Mongolia can be a challenging yet wonderful experience. It is essential that you familiarise yourself with local customs and international laws.
There are no required vaccines to enter Mongolia. You can read the American CDC’s recommendations here and the UK’s NHS recommendations here. We advise you to check with your local doctor to decide what is best for you.
It is useful to bring a small first aid pack which includes:
Nausea and diarrhea medicine, travel sickness tablets, glucose powder, paracetamol tablets, saline eyewash, cold and flu tablets, mosquito repellent, sunscreen and any other supplies you feel you may need or have been advised to bring. We will not be at high altitude but Mongolia is al at an altitude that can generate sickness in some people. If you are sensitive to an altitude above 1800 meters prepare.
Check with the Mongolian Embassy if you are concerned about any medication you need to bring with you.
Travel Insurance
We suggest medical insurance which includes evacuation and trip cancellation insurance, as well, as you never know what obstacles life can toss at you leading up to a trip. However, we do not require this coverage, we only suggest it highly. We will be in remote areas that may not have a modern medical facility. Please plan accordingly.
Arriving in Mongolia in August, the temperature is +25°C to +38°C during daytime and +8°C to +20°C at nights until 15 August. The temperature cools down +10°C to +15°C after 15 August. In the Gobi desert, the temperature is more erratic and the weather can change rapidly.
Miscellaneous items
When attending the teachings, you will require something to sit on, so bring a meditation cushion with you and a plastic sheet in case it rains. You will most definitely need insect repellent. Other items which will come in handy are umbrella, sunscreen, towel, hat, sunglasses, toilet paper/tissues, batteries, headlamp, camera, SD card for extra storage, torch, chargers, adaptors, pen, paper/writing book, favorite snack food, access to $500 for extra food and miscellaneous expenses.
We recommend drinking only bottled water, and you will want to rinse your toothbrush off in bottled water. Bottled and boiled water will be available throughout the trip.
You can either exchange cash in Mongolia or use local ATMs. It’s best to bring some with you as we won’t have time to exchange money in many places. All of your meals and transportation are covered, so you just need personal spending money.
For most of the trip, there will not be wifi available. You will have wifi at our hotel in Ulaanbaatar.