2023 Bodh Gaya Pilgrimage: 1000 Buddhas Empowerment w/ Khentrul Rinpoche

2023 Bodh Gaya Pilgrimage: 1000 Buddhas Empowerment w/ Khentrul Rinpoche

To register for the Nepal/ India trip following this click here. If you are registering for both trips, you can book the discounted rate for this trip.

Join us on this once-in-a-lifetime journey with Khentrul Rinpoché to the seat of the Buddha’s enlightenment in India. During this week-long retreat participants will connect to the Shakyamuni Buddha through the study and practice of the 1000 Buddha empowerment (wang), puja, and sadhana at the most sacred site at and near the Mahabodi Stupa. This is the first time that Khentrul Rinpoche has offered this empowerment and has chosen the most auspicious location for the blessings of the Buddha.

The Thousand Buddha Empowerment comes from the Nyingma Lineage tracing back to King Songtsen Gampo who was an emanation of Avalokiteshvara. Khentrul Rinpoche received this empowerment from the Nyingma and Kagyu as a young child. Due to auspicious coincidences, Rinpoche recently refreshed his empowerment through a personal transmission from the kindness of H.E. Kathok Rigzin Chenpo as he has received this empowerment from many lineages. The main deity of this empowerment is Avalokiteshvara who represents the compassion, names, and mantras of 2200 Buddhas.

When you connect to the power of each of the 1000 Buddhas it increases your spiritual practice by connecting you to all the Buddhas in this fortunate eon. Through this connection, we are increasing our chance of realizing a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony by connecting to the power of all the Buddhas of our time.

Our journey takes place at the Bodhi Tree, nearby temples, and Mahabodhi Stupa where we will retreat and receive 1000 Buddha teachings. Accompanied by many monks we will perform pujas and offerings to the Buddha over the course of 2 days.

In this practice, we can connect to all aspects of our Buddha nature and learn how we can use tantra to transform our emotions and samsaric limitations into the stainless qualities of Buddha nature. Each of the Buddha families represents different aspects of our enlightened nature. As we learn to identify and work with these aspects we can learn to use our daily life as the conditions and opportunities we need for enlightenment. Doing this practice in such a holy place as a pilgrimage is karmically purifying.

India is an important place for fully understanding this opportunity to use the emotions and aspects of our daily life for transformation. While Tibet has for many years maintained the Sutra and Vajrayana teachings largely in the monastic communities, India has preserved the rich variations of tantra embedded directly in their daily life and culture. Khentrul Rinpoche sees this as an inspiration for Buddhist Vajrayana. He is passionate about students being able to transform in their daily lives because if we are to keep the precious teachings of Buddhist tantra flourishing we need to keep it alive in living lay practitioners’ culture.

Cost includes shared accommodation, all teachings, empowerments, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Daylong site-seeing in the Bodh Gaya area. Airfare is not included.

The tour includes:

  • 7-night stay in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India
  • Daily sadhana practices, guided meditations, and reflections guided by Spiritual Director, Khentrul Rinpoche,, and Senior students
  • 1000 Buddha Empowerment (Initiation), Puja, and Sadhana Instructions
  • Authentic traditional accommodations, all meals included
  • 1 Day of Site seeing holy sites in the area
  • Optional opportunity to book a personal Tibetan astrology reading

Who can come?

Pilgrimage, 1000 Buddha Empowerment, and retreat are open to everyone.

Tour Details

[x_accordion_item title=”Tentative Schedule”]

Day 1 (20th October) – Arrival in Bodh Gaya
After participants have arrived we will allocate accommodations. For those who wish to help set up the offerings, you can let us know and spend the day arranging them. Once everyone is settled in, we will have dinner together. At an evening teaching, Khentrul Rinpoche will open our event with a welcome speech and prayers.

Day 2 & 3 (21st- 22nd October) – 1000 Buddhas Puja, Teaching and Empowerment Ceremony
Enjoy breakfast and prayers together. We will all take part in the 1000 Buddha Empowerment ceremony. Each evening we will have the chance to recite prayers together.

Day 4 & 5 (23rd – 24th October) – 1000 Buddhas Puja Ceremony & Visit to the Stupa
Khentrul Rinpoche and monks will chant and perform the Puja offerings for us. Optionally you can have free time or join us to visit the Mahabodhi Stupa grounds to practice the Sadhana together. We will go and do circumambulations which are karmically purifying.

Day 6 (25th October) – Teachings and Practices in Bodha Gaya
We will take the day to explore the holy sites of Bodh Gaya and receive teachings and practice the 1000 Buddha Sadhana together. Indian cultural experience in the evening if planning permits. We will explore the nearby giant Buddha and the surrounding temples. In the evening, we can enjoy the local culture.

Day 7 (26th October) – Day of Site Seeing to Holy Sites
We will take a tour via bus to some of the more distant nearby holy sites of Bodh Gaya such as the nearby holy Mahakala caves that the Buddha meditated in before realizing enlightenment. We will visit the Sujata Temple and the Machalinda pond. Closing dinner ceremony.

Day 8 (27th October) – Departure Retreat Completed
We will check out of the hotel and make our way home. Take home a blessed souvenir home from the event to connect with this holy space.

[x_accordion_item title=”Food & Accommodations”]


Indian diet is typically vegetarian and spicy. We may have the opportunity to have Tibetan cooking as well. We have arranged for a vegetarian trip as much as possible. We can not accommodate allergies.


Accommodations in Bodha Gaya are basic and not luxurious. The rooms will have bathrooms and western-style toilets. Rooms are either a twin share or a dorm-style.

If you are traveling with a friend and would like to stay with them, please write in and request. We will do what we can to keep you together.

[x_accordion_item title=”Payment Information”]


The price for this journey is based on (shared occupancy).
$2500 AUD per person normal program
$2000 AUD per person discounted rate if you are from Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America
$1500 AUD per person discounted rate if you are going on the 2023 Nepal India Tour

A Single-person supplement fee can be added at a rate of $500 AUD per person at check out if you prefer not to share your room. Please add it at checkout to your options.

A non-refundable $1,500 AUD deposit holds your space. We will email you an invoice (via PayPal or stripe) at least a week before each due date. In general, the tour is non-refundable. If you have an unexpected circumstance then of course we can discuss it.

Payment Schedule
If you need a payment plan we can provide you with one as listed.
Normal Cost Payment ProgramAmountDue Date
Payment #1 (20% – non-refundable)AUD$ 1000Paid at registration
Payment #2 (40% – non-refundable)AUD$ 10001st of July
Payment #3 (40% – non-refundable)AUD$ 50015th of September

Methods of Payment

You can make payments for this tour via any of the following methods:

  • Credit Card or Paypal: Check out on the form below
  • Direct Debit: Tibetan Buddhist rime Institute Inc. Bank: ANZ. BSB: 013-479 Account: 4944-47223 (Please include your surname as a reference)
  • Wire Transfer: Acc: Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute. Bank: ANZ. Branch: Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria Australia. Swift Code: ANZBAU3M. BSB:013 457. Account No: 4944 47223

Registration Process:

  1. Check out on this website, with the non-refundable AUD$? using one of the methods described above.
  2. Once we have confirmed the payment, we will contact you via email to confirm your registration.

Price Includes:

  • 1000 Buddha Empowerment(s) from Khentrul Rinpoche
  • 3 Meals per day
  • Transportation to sites within India
  • All accommodations
  • All meals
  • All site entrance fees
  • All tips at hotels and restaurants
  • Indian cultural performance if possible

Price does not include:

  • International airfare
  • Transfer to and from the airport
  • India visa fee if needed
  • Travel and health insurance
  • Photography fees at sites
  • Tip to local guide and driver
  • Dana to Teachers or Rinpoche
  • Astrology or Massage bookings
  • Beverages in addition to water



Additional Information

[accordion_item title=”1000 Buddha Empowerment”]

You will be guided in a clear step-by-step way through the empowerment ceremony so that you can understand what is happening and what you are receiving. Through lecture, discussion, silent meditation, mantra, and ritual offerings, form a deep connection to your own inner realm of peace and harmony.

Who Can Attend

There are no prerequisites and afterward no commitments other than the ones you choose to take. This path is flexible; it allows you to engage with it wherever you are at. The empowerment can be taken as a blessing or empowerment. The refuge, bodhisattva, tantric vows and uncommon vows of Kalachakra will be given along with the initiation for those taking this as empowerment.

[x_accordion_item title=”Advice for Travel”]

International Flights

You are responsible to book your own international flights. There is a local airport in Gaya as well as a train station. It is also possible to arrive from Patna.


First and foremost, your passport MUST be valid at least 6 months beyond the end date of the trip, and you’ll need two empty pages in the Visas section of your passport (make sure they are in the Visa section, not the Amendment or Endorsement section). Most countries require a visa for India. Please check with your local Indian embassy for details. India now offers e-visas which can be applied for online and will meet most of the tourist needs.


You can read the American CDC’s recommendations here. We advise you to check with your local doctor to decide what is best for you.

It is useful to bring a small first aid pack which includes:

Nausea and diarrhea medicine, travel sickness tablets, glucose powder, paracetamol tablets, saline eyewash, cold and flu tablets, mosquito repellent, sunscreen and any other supplies you feel you may need or have been advised to bring.

Travel Insurance

We suggest medical insurance which includes evacuation and trip cancellation insurance, as well, as you never know what obstacles life can toss at you leading up to a trip. However, we do not require this coverage, we only suggest it highly. We will be in remote areas that may not have a modern medical facility. Please plan accordingly.


Arriving in Bodha Gaya in October, the temperature is +32°C during daytime and +21°C at nights. The area is very dusty. In India clothes that can be hand washed are best. Also the dust can be diffult to remove from clothing so it is advised to keep that in mind when packing.

Miscellaneous items

When attending the teachings, you will require something to sit on, so bring a meditation cushion with you and a plastic sheet in case it rains. You will most definitely need insect repellent. Other items which will come in handy are umbrella, sunscreen, towel, hat, sunglasses, toilet paper/tissues, batteries, headlamp, camera, SD card for extra storage, torch, chargers, adaptors, pen, paper/writing book, favorite snack food, access to $500 for extra food and miscellaneous expenses.


We recommend drinking only bottled water, and you will want to rinse your toothbrush off in bottled water. Bottled and boiled water will be available throughout the trip.


You can either exchange cash in India or use local ATMs. All of your meals and transportation are covered, so you just need personal spending money.


For most of the trip, there will not be wifi available.

[accordion_item title=”Suggested Reading”]

Practice Book Reading

To get the most out of the retreat section, it is useful to have a copy of the Profound Path of Vajra Yoga. You are advised to purchase a copy in advance from our store or in the USA at store.dzokden.org as we will not have extras with us on the trip. In addition to the 1000 Buddhas Sadhana which you will be given, we usually do a variety of prayers at holy sites selected from Khentrul Rinpoche’s main practice text.

Profound Path of Vajra Yoga

This prayer book contains the traditional Jonang Kalachakra preliminary (ngondro) practice materials in English with transliterated Tibetan. Two complete sadhanas, the traditional lineage sadhana of the Divine Ladder and Khentrul Rinpoche’s version Enlightening the Heart are included along with a wide variety of lineage prayers and supplications.

Suggested Reading

There is no required preparation. If you want to familiarize your mind with any of the material related to the trip we have selected a few of the texts.

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth Book 1 by Khentrul Rinpoche

The Kalachakra Path offers a profound method for actualizing your greatest potential and contributing to greater peace and harmony within this world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary path is revealed in a step-by-step manner, allowing students to gradually approach this uniquely comprehensive system in a structured and methodical way. While you may not be interested in practicing all of the Jonang Kalachakra path, we encourage study book 1 of Unveiling your Sacred Truth. In this book Khentrul Rinpoche introduces us to important Buddhist concepts including how to meditate, what is karma, what are the various Buddhist paths and how to understand the various Buddhist realms.

[x_accordion_item title=”Rules and Conditions”]

General rules

  • Mobile phones should be kept to a minimum. Other technologies should be left at home where possible
  • The rooms are for at least 2 persons.
  • All meals are included in the tour costs and are pre-ordered. If you have any special requests please contact your tour guide representative the day before.
  • Out of respect for the teachers, we ask that participants attend all sessions and be punctual.
  • It is recommended that any personal items be kept in a locked bag. The Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute cannot be held responsible for any items left around the property that is stolen or damaged.
  • Please be prepared for the Indian weather. Pack electrolytes to prevent heatstroke if there is a high-temperature day. The weather is normally mild at this time of year but please be well prepared. The Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute cannot be held responsible for any injury incurred.

Food Or Medical Issues

If you have a serious food allergy or medical condition we should know about please inform us by email to discuss as soon as possible.

This is not a strenuous trip. We will be staying in one location for the majority of the time. You will need to walk between the Mahabodhi stupa and the accommodations. There may be one multi-hour bus tour, so guests should be able to sit in a vehicle for up to 5 hours at a time (although we can stop for bathroom breaks and leg-stretching along the way). At times, during the practice retreat, we will be sitting on the ground for hours at a time. Please bring a meditation mat or cushion to sit on. We can not guarantee chairs at any locations. If you are older and require a chair, we encourage you to bring a camping fold up chair.

Bodha Gaya, India has very simple medical care. There are pharmacies that sell medicine along the roadside. We encourage you to bring any medicine you will need as the options are very limited. The local hospitals are rural. In general, in this area, people wait often until it’s the end of life to visit medical facilities so they are often crowded and limited. If you have a serious medical condition then please get insurance or plan accordingly. There are private hospitals in the greater Gaya area and Patna area that are further away that you can travel to if you encounter serious medical issue.


Traditionally, an offering is made to the teacher at the conclusion of the Tour (please note that this is entirely optional) as a gesture of appreciation. You can offer whatever you think is appropriate. However, here are a few suggestions – a card, flowers, money, food or other items. A Tibetan offering scarf (khata) is given to the teacher for a blessing as part of the ceremony and can be borrowed or purchased from retreat volunteers or you may like to bring your own.


Online: The Importance of Creating Peace and Harmony in the Sangha & Dharma Community with Rinpoche

Online: The Importance of Creating Peace and Harmony in the Sangha & Dharma Community with Rinpoche

This year we have completed the Stupa of Unity to help create the conditions for the global universal Sangha and all Dharma communities to have peace and harmony. While this stupa is a good step this is not enough.

We must take action ourselves to achieve the unity.

All communities around the world face challenges finding appreciation, respect, love and harmony in between the people within them. Everywhere in the world people become annoyed with each other and find faults and limtiations. Dharma communities are no different but the effect of having these challenges is not the same. Rinpoche will help guide us to find ways to work through our obstacles with each other.

There is power in unity. This empowers us to work swiftly and harmoniously together all over the world to bring about the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.

Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 843 9013 4447

In-Person & Online: Sang Offering Puja with Khentrul Rinpoche

In-Person & Online: Sang Offering Puja with Khentrul Rinpoche

All our welcome there is no need to RSVP. You can come in-person or come online. We will be celebrating the completion of Rinpoche’s new smoke offering burner. We will make offerings to all the Local Deities and spirits to purify Karma and create conditions for the Golden Age to Flourish.

Sang is a cleansing and purifying practice that clears away obstructions to practice and in the mindstream of the practitioners. This practice we make offerings to all sentient beings and the 3 jewels.

Online Zoom Attendance or Facebook

When: Nov 27, 2021 11:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Topic: Sang Offering Puja

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 838 1308 3364

Online: Chöd, Prajnaparamita and the Other-Emptiness w/ Khentrul Rinpoche

Online: Chöd, Prajnaparamita and the Other-Emptiness w/ Khentrul Rinpoche

One of the precious aspects of the Jonang lineage is the consistency in the view throughout the Sutra and Tantra teachings. Rinpoche will give a very special empowerment the following weekend on Chod, Opening the Door to the Sky Empowerment from Jetsun Taranatha. In preparation he will give a bit of insight into the practice based in Sutra and how the view aligns with Other-Emptiness.

Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 830 4072 0325Image in header from the Jonang Foundation.

Online & In Person: Machig Labdrön Opening the Gate to the Sky Chöd Empowerment Retreat – Khentrul Rinpoche

Online & In Person: Machig Labdrön Opening the Gate to the Sky Chöd Empowerment Retreat – Khentrul Rinpoche

If would like to register for the International online event in other langauges, please sign up on Dzokden.org so we can best track your enrolment.

About the Practice of Chod

Chod is a powerful practice of accepting willingly what is undesirable, cutting through our concepts, reducing our self-cherishing nature leading us closer to our own true nature. The main obstacle to our own enlightenment is our clinging to our own ego, our own existence. When fear, fixation, and self-clinging are cut through, giving rise to the awareness of the pure nature of emotions and the emptiness of mental obscurations.

Machig Labdrön created a unique practice of Mahamudra Chöd practice. She is the manifestation of Prajnaparamita, the Great Mother who gives birth to realisation of emptiness. Furthermore, Machig Labdron is also the manifestation of Arya Tara, who gives birth to compassion. A chöd pa (practitioner) can cut through anything and therefore his or her main intention should be to unify understanding of emptiness and loving kindness and compassion, just as Machig Labdron did.

Khentrul Rinpoche has received the Chöd transmission and practiced in multiple traditions such as the Nyingma Kagyu, Jonang and the Gelug traditions.

Khentrul Rinpoche with the 9th Kalka Jetsun Dhampa.
Rinpoche has received the Chöd Transmission from many masters. He had the pleasure of practicing Chod Retreat and receiving transmission from the Kalka Jetsun Dhampa considered to be a reincarnation of Taranatha and the spiritual head of Mongolia.

Throughout Buddhist history, female practitioners have been models of leadership in virtuous conduct, meditation, discipline and practice. Machig Labdron is an extraordinary example of a highly realised female practitioner. One of Rinpoche’s aspirations is to cultivate more realised female practitioners around the world and we hope this practice inspires the prominence and proliferation of more female Buddhist masters.

About the Empowerment
This is an incredibly rare and precious empowerment of Chöd from the primordial mind of master Jetsun Taranatha. It is the most extensive and detailed Chöd Empowerment. We will include a booklet to follow along through the empowerment. Part of the transmission includes stories of Machig Labdrön’s life in which we can all be inspired by this precious Dakini’s presence.

Who can attend (online and in person)?

This retreat is open to all.

Sunday 21th November 2021 – Free Online Pre-Teaching If you want to learn more about the retreat and the teaching tune into this teaching from Khentrul Rinpoche.
7 AM – Chöd, Prajnaparamita and Zhentong Emptiness

[x_accordion_item title=”Retreat Schedule – Online or In Person”]

*** All teachings (except transmissions), will be recorded and available for viewing in the learning centre.

Saturday 11 December

A Pearl Garland Narration of the Chöd Empowerment that Opens the Gate to the Sky (required attendance)
This precious empowerment text by Jonang Lineage Master Jetsun Taranatha.

10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Arrive, set up camp and have some lunch
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Session 1 Empowerment
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Tea Break
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Session 2 Empowerment
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Dinner
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Session 3 Empowerment

Sunday December 12

  • Facing your Fears – How to integrate Chod practice in Daily life
  • Understanding the Chod teachings and how it integrates into the Kalachakra practice.
  • Direct practice of Chod
  • Teaching of the Chöd Sadanas

7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Session 4 Practice and Teaching
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Free Time and Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Session 5 Teaching and Practice
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Tea Break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Session 6 Teaching and Practice
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Dinner and Free Time
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Session 7 Teaching and Practice

Monday December 13

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Session 8 Teaching and Practice
11:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch and Pack Out

[x_accordion_item title=”Ritual Objects to Bring or Pre-order by November 18″]

Optional extras for practice – To enhance your practice, we have additional items for you to purchase for home practice. All purchases through our Dzokden store run by volunteers goes directly to Rinpoche’s altruistic projects.

Items in the Dzokden Store here for global shipping. Australians should use the special one time order form.

As a kindness – If you want to special order these items to pick up a the Chöd Retreat in Australia, you must fill out this Australian order reservation form by November 18th. You will need to pick them up in person at the retreat. All items are subject to confirmation from the supplier for shipping due to Covid challenges. You will receive a confirmation email with a bill November 20th that the items are shipping for you.

Remember you CAN take the retreat and receive the empowerment even if you do not have all these items. Chöd can be practiced in your daily life as well as ritualistically.

  • Chöd Drum
    Made by artisans in Nepal. Each Chöd ritual drum, comes with a brocade case and tail. This high quality damaru is made of Sengdeng wood.
    $225 AUD
  • Kangling Thigh Bone Trumphet (made out of wood)
    Made by artisans in Kathmandu Nepal. It is very difficult to get a human bone Kangling in these modern times. Many people worldwide use Trumphets made from wood to look like Trumphet. It comes with a case.
    $110 AUD
  • Dorje and Bell (Small or Large Size)
    Made with bell metal by artisans in Dehradun India. Brocade case color may vary from the one shown in the image. 

    Ani Small Size – $150 AUD
    Large Size – $175 AUD
  • Tingshaw
  • Machig Labdron silk print or framed Thangka- Only Available on the Dzokden store website from USA

[x_accordion_item title=”How does the Online Retreat Work”]

1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will receive a confirmation email. All of our online events use the Dzokden learning center. If you are not already enrolled in it, you will be invited to learn.dzokden.org

2) Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before.

3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions. You will be able to watch any of the course in learn.dzokden.org The empowerment must be received in real time. There are no recordings available of the empowerment.

It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.

email [email protected]


In-Person Attendees

There is an onsite supplement fee of $120 per person for all on-site attendees to cover the cost of food and amenities. This on-site fee is the same for those camping on site and those staying in the surrounding environment as meals will be provided to you either way.

[x_accordion_item title=”Camping Accomodations”]

This is a camping retreat. Very simple amenities are available onsite. There is a basic shower and water for washing and portable toilet. There is limited power and no pubic wi-fi access.


You are able to camp for free onsite or you may prefer to stay in one of the local hotels or caravan sites. Please bring your own tent, sleeping bag and anything else you need.

[x_accordion_item title=”Food”]


All meals provided will be vegetarian only. If you have other food requirements please bring your own and notify us before the retreat so that we can allow some space for storage. We can reduce the supplement cost if you have a food allergy and can not eat with us.

[x_accordion_item title=”What to Bring”]

What to Bring

  • Toiletries, personal care items and a bath towel
  • Warm and comfortable clothing (it gets cold at night time)
  • Walking shoes if you are a bushwalking type
  • Shoes that are easy to slip on or off for walking between buildings
  • Sunscreen and a hat for summer
  • Warm clothes/jacket for evening
  • Insect repellent
  • Torch
  • Notepad and pen
  • Snacks if you have preferences

Practice Items

  • Chod Drum (optional)
  • Dorje & Bell (optional)
  • Text
  • Cushion

[x_accordion_item title=”Getting to Land of Shambhala”]

Getting to the Land of Shambhala

Address: 837 Taggerty-Thornton Road, Thornton 3712 Victoria 

Contact: 0487 440 140

Directions from the Melbourne Airport
It is very difficult to get to the retreat center property by public transit. It takes a full day to do it. If you are flying in for this retreat we encourage you to rent a car to get to the airport.

Google Maps directions from the Melbourne Airport

Need a lift?

If you need a lift please email [email protected] or call her at 0487 440 140 and we will endeavour to match you with someone coming from an area near you. Please note, we can’t guarantee a lift to everyone who needs one.

I can offer a lift?

Let us know if you can take extra people with you by emailing [email protected]

The journey is usually about an hour and a half drive from Belgrave, Victoria.

If you require any help with directions you can call us on 0487 440 140 or (03) 9754 6212

