
Nov 14 2020


1:00 am – 10:00 pm

Often times students find a huge contradiction in their minds between Amitabha pureland practices and those of Shambhala. The common question is do I need to give up one and focus on the other. Khentrul Rinpoche will illuminate the non-contradictory nature and help us better understand the options and how they fit together.

Khentrul Rinpoche’s root Guru, Lama Lobsang Trinlé an incredible Kalachakra master who taught the teachings of Shambhala, also did an Amitabha practice daily for his entire life. He said whoever had devotion to him and Amitabha would surely reach the Pureland. These two Purelands are both incredibly powerful spaces with different approaches to reach them.

What’s Included in the 1-Day Retreat
– Oral Transmission of the practices of Shambhala and Amitabha
– Commentary and explanation on 5 practices of Amitabha from Dolpopa, Taranatha, Bamda Gelek Gyatso, Lama Tsoknyi, and Lama Lutrin
– Commentary and explanation of 3 prayers for Shambhala from Dolpopa and Khentrul Rinpoche
– Clarity between the two Purelands

Translations to be determined and offered in Zoom.

November 14th Retreat Information is available on Dzokden’s website.