Makoto ReikiDo Intermediate Level workshop
Makoto ReikiDo is a system of Reiki Practice with a focus on the spiritual development of Practitioners. Caron the Founder of the Makoto ReikiDo recognises that people learn very differently, each persons stage in life is unique and their needs diverse. Therefore, the conventional degrees of attainment are not our focus. The core of our practice is to work where the Practitioner is on their journey.
At the heart of the Makoto ReikiDo system is our Reiki Sangha where Practitioners learn and grow together. Our model is delivered with day intensives and is supported by continued and facilitated learning until Practitioners are ready for the next stage of their path through.
To participate in the Intermediate Practice level [Reiki level 2] requires completion and confidence at beginners [Reiki Level 1].
To find out more contact Caron https://makotoreikido.com/services/makoto-reikido/