Jonang Lama Chöpa and Kalachakra Tsok


Dec 16 2021


7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


Rimé Institute
1584 Burwood Highway, Belgrave, Victoria 3160

This class is offered online and in person.

Once a month at the full moon, our Kalachakra practice community comes together to do the two profound practices of the Guru Puja and the Kalachakra Tsok offering.

These practices are open to Kalachakra Initiates. This class is mainly for students who have developed a Vajrayana relationship with Khentrul Rinpoché as their master.

Each monthly session on or near the full moon consists of reciting the “Guru Puja” in English, followed by Jonang Kalachakra Tsok offering. If you are at home then you would need to set up a Tsok offering to participate from there. If you need help to learn this resources are on

1) Download the Zoom App on your desktop, android or apple device.
Zoom for Computers

2) Join Zoom Meeting via the App 

Meeting ID: 917 0587 6328

If you wish to make a donation to help sponsor the monthly puja, you can do below.