On demand pre-recorded online sessions
Starting to Practice the Kalachakra Path – The Path of Awakening
Taking refuge is an essential practice in many spiritual and philosophical traditions, particularly in Buddhism. It serves as a foundational aspect of one’s personal journey towards understanding and enlightenment on the Kalachakra Path. A strong foundation is required for any practitioner wanting to practice the preliminary and completion stages of the Kalachakra Path.
The act of taking refuge can deeply impact an individual’s spiritual journey and daily life. By providing a source of support, clarity, and direction, it opens the door to profound personal transformation and a more meaningful existence.
In this 4 week course, we will cover the essential aspects of taking refuge according to the Kalachakra path including the practice of physical prostrations as part of the practice together.
Week 1:
The Four Convictions of Thought Transformation – ( 1. The Preciousness of Human Life, 2. Impermanence, 3. Cause and Effect (Karma),4. and the Suffering that is present in ourselves and in the world), are an essential component that, once understood, can turn the mind towards spiritual practice and bring relief from much of our suffering. In the first week we will go through the 4 convictions in detail and recite the verses in the practice book.
Week 2:
The Jonang Kalachakra Linage Masters – Over the centuries, various masters have played a pivotal role in the transmission and preservation of Kalachakra teachings. In this class we will discuss the importance of an unbroken linage and discuss some of the extraordinary masters in this linage and how they can become a source of inspiration and guidance for you on the path.
Week 3:
The Actual Refuge – Taking refuge is an expression of determination to follow the Buddha’s path, but not a relinquishing of responsibility. We will delve deeper into the concept of refuge and understand its place within the context of the Kalachakra Path. We will learn how to practice physical prostrations with the refuge prayer
Week 4:
Putting it all together – in this class we will put all our learning concepts together, recite the four convictions of thought transformation, the linage masters and the refuge prayers together, followed by a practice session of physical prostrations together.
At the end of this course – you should have an understanding of the essential components of taking refuge and be able to practice refuge on your own.
What to expect each week – each week we will be reciting the stansas from the practice book, physical prostrations, meditation and reflection & Q&A time.
Required reading/texts:
Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path
The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Prayer Book
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 1: The External Reality
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 2: The Internal Reality
These texts can be purchased in person at the temple if you do not wish to purchase online.