Foundations of Buddhism
This class is offered online and in person.
In this introductory class, you will be gradually guided through the foundational teachings of Buddhist Philosophy. Learn to orient your life towards lasting genuine happiness through cultivating awareness of the causes that lead to that happiness.
Each class will consist of a short meditation followed by teachings and discussion. Topics will be drawn from Khentrul Rinpoché’s book “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book One: The External Reality”.
1) Download the Zoom App on your desktop, android or apple device.
Zoom for Computers http://zoom.us/
2) Join Zoom Meeting via the App
Meeting ID: 910 1367 7573
Typically people make a donation of $10 AUD for in-person classes. Concession pricing is $7. Due to the Corona Virus, there is no set fee for an online class. We want everyone who can benefit to have access to these classes. If you would like to make an offering, you can Paypal it to [email protected]