Online Meditation Basics
A great way to start the week!
Many of us have heard about the wonderful benefits of meditation but aren’t sure how to get started. Join our casual group in a friendly and inspiring atmosphere to learn simple techniques to connect with a deeper level of mind.
Each session offers guided practice and explores a basic Buddhist view of meditation. Questions and experiential discussion are warmly welcomed
1) Download the Zoom App on your desktop, android or apple device.
Zoom for Computers http://zoom.us/
2) Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 1991 4945
Typically people make a donation of $10 AUD for in-person classes. Concession pricing is $7. Due to the Corona Virus, there is no set fee for an online class. We want everyone who can benefit to have access to these classes. If you would like to make an offering, you can Paypal it to temple@rimebuddhism.com