Jonang Kalachakra Retreat in Thailand
Khentrul RinpochéJonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master
Click on the arrow above to offer Dana to Khentrul Rinpoche
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö is the founder and director of Dzokden. Rinpoche is the author of Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 1, 2, and 3, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life, and The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.
Rinpoche spent the first 20 years of his life herding yak and chanting mantras on the plateaus of Tibet. Inspired by the bodhisattvas, he left his family to study in a variety of monasteries under the guidance of over twenty-five masters in all the Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Due to his non-sectarian approach, he earned himself the title of Rimé (unbiased) Master and was identified as the reincarnation of the famous Kalachakra Master Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. While at the core of his teachings is the recognition that there is great value in the diversity of all spiritual traditions found in this world; he focuses on the Jonang-Shambhala tradition. Kalachakra (wheel of time) teachings contain profound methods to harmonize our external environment with the inner world of body and mind, ultimately bringing about the golden age of Peace and Harmony (Dzokden).
Julie O’Donnell
Click on the arrow above to offer Dana to Julie
At an early age, Julie searched for a deeper meaning to life until finally at the age of 22 found the precious Buddhist path of Dharma. She dedicated her life to the practice, living in temples and serving teachers from around the world practicing the Buddhist teachings and living according to its principles. Julie has spent the last 34 years practicing this ancient path and for the past twelve years has lived at the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute in Tecoma helping the resident teacher Khentrul Rinpoche.
Julie is now one of the senior teachers at the temple giving classes on meditation and basic Buddhist principals that can be applied to our everyday lives. Julie also manages the temple and arranges a program of courses, tours and fundraising activities to support the temple.
There is an online only version of this event. The registration will be on the Dzokden.org site closer to the event.
5 Day Practice Retreat w/ Khentrul Rinpoche
February 7th to 12th in Thailand
The Jonang lineage is the only school of Buddhism that teaches the complete path of Kalachakra, the highest yoga Tantra, known as the Kign of Tantra, fro start to enlightenment. Khentrul Rinpoche is the only master currently bestowing the whole path from the Ngondro to completion stage upon qualified non-monastic practitioners globally.. Khentrul Rinpoche has made it his life’s mission to spread the teachings of Shambhala as it is prophesied that they will bring a Golden age of peace to our earth.
By the request of a sponsor in Singapore, Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow a Kalachakra Ngondro practice retreat in Thailand, a location that is very easy to visit for everyone across Asia. This 5-day retreat will help students who are in process or are just beginning to practice the very precious Jonang Kalachakra preliminary practices. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how to practice the Ngondro along with the precious Guru and Kalachaka Tsok pujas that tantrikas practice monthly. This is the perfect retreat to clarify your practice and if you wish to further prepare yourself to move towards the Higher Empowerments and the 6 Vajra Yogas of the completion stage that Rinpoche is currently bestowing through 2029.

Extraordinary Rare Vishvamata Empowerment, the Feminine Aspect of Kalachakra
Part of this path of transformation to enlightenment requires the harmonization and unification of female and male energies within ourselves. The Yab-Yum deity of the Kalachakra mandala is often referred to as Kalachakra but is actually the inseparable union of the ultimate masculine Kalachakra, in union with the ultimate feminine, Vishvamata. Their combined qualities represent the ultimate love, wisdom and compassion fused into immutable bliss and empty form. The empowerment of the feminine form, Vishvamata Empowerment (Jenang) is almost never bestowed. Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow this rare Jonang practice along with a practice text as part of the retreat. We can embrace the true energies of the female and male aspect within ourselves to transform our world. Khentrul Rinpoche will give teachings to clarify what these aspects are and various ways to work with them.
The retreat will be held at the Manjushri Center of the Karma Kagyu around 40 minutes of the International airport Don Mueang.
- 5 Night Stay at the Manjushri Center of the Karma Kagyu in Thailand
- Vishvamata Jenang and access to the Dzokden Learning Center
- Ngondro practice text in digital form is included
- Sadhana in digital form is included
- Daily guided teachings, practice sessions, and or pujas by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö, monks and Julie O’Donnell
- Authentic traditional accommodations, all meals included
- Transportation is not included

Who can come?
While Khentrul Rinpoche welcomes everyone to join who wishes to practice Kalachakra. This practice retreat will dive into the preliminary practice of the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro. This teachings is open to anyone who genuinely wants to practice Kalachakra but it is best suited to students who have some basic understanding of the Vajrayana buddhist path, experience with Guru and Deity yoga as well as a flexible mind. This is a great way to get to know Khentrul Rinpoche better in person in a small intimate environment. It’s important as a student of Vajrayana to develop an actual relationship with the Guru so that he can help you the most on your path.
What languages will be offered?
The event is in English but Chinese translation will be available if you bring a phone with a data plan and a headset to listen.

Tour Details Schedule
Tour DetailsSchedule
There is a tentative daily 7 am morning yoga class.
Day 1 (February 7th) – Arrival and CheckinCheck in to your room between 2pm to 5pm. Enjoy the welcome dinner and first teaching of the retreat.
Day 2 (February 8th) – Ngondro Teachings Khentrul Rinpoche and Julie O’Donnell will start the retreat with teachings on the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro Path
Day 3 (February 9th) – Vishvamata Jenang and TeachingsThe masculine and feminine aspects of the Kalachakra path with the Vishvamata Jenang.
Day 4 (February 10th) – Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro Continued teaching on the Ngondro
Day 5 (February 11th) – Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro Continued teaching on the Ngondro
Day 6 (February 12th) – Guru Puja and the Kalachakra Tsok
Our retreat will end with a celebratory Kalachakra Tsok and Guru Puja.
Food and Acommodations
Food and Acommodations
Thai retreat center diet is typically vegetarian. We have arranged for a vegetarian trip.
Some examples of the food:

Most of the rooms are a twin share but some may be dorm-style. If you are traveling with a friend and would like to stay with them, please write in and request. We will do what we can to keep you together.
The price for this journey is $760 AUD / $500 USD per person (shared occupancy). The tour is non-refundable. If you have special circumstances then we can discuss and refund it based on unexpected circumstances. We can not refund for a change of mind. Payment is due upon registration.
Methods of Payment
You can make payments for this tour via any of the following methods:
- Credit Card or Paypal: Check out on the form below
- Direct Debit: Tibetan Buddhist rime Institute Inc. Bank: ANZ. BSB: 013-479 Account: 4944-47223 (Please include your surname as a reference)
- Wire Transfer: Acc: Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute. Bank: ANZ. Branch: Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria Australia. Swift Code: ANZBAU3M. BSB:013 457. Account No: 4944 47223
- Payment at the Venue – Please contact us if you can not pay in advance through these means. There is a student in Singapore who can collect your registration or you can bring it and pay in person in USD only.
Registration Process:
- Book a ticket on this website, for the non-refundable AUD$760 AUD using one of the methods described above.
- Once we have confirmed the payment, we will contact you via email to confirm your registration and provide you with an information packet.
Price Includes:
- 5 Night Stay at the Manjushri Center of the Karma Kagyu in Thailand
- All Vegetarian Meals
- Vishvamata Jenang and access to the Dzokden Learning Center
- Ngondro practice text in digital form is included
- Sadhana in digital form is included
- Daily guided teachings, practice sessions, and or pujas by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö, monks and Julie O’Donnell
- Authentic traditional accommodations, all meals included
- Transportation is not included
Price does not include:
- International airfare
- Airport Pickup or Drop Offs
- Travel and health insurance
- Dana to Rinpoche
- Beverages in addition to water
Additional Information
Additional Information
International Flights
You are responsible to book your own international flights. Please arrange your own transportation to and from the start and finish location. If you need to have extra accommodation before or after your trip please reach out to us and we will help you if we are able to.
For most countries you will not need a visa. Please check yourself for your own country.
Travel to and From the Airport. How to reach the Manjushri Retreat Center, Thailand by public taxi.
1. From Suvarnabhumi Airport,
2. From Don Mueang International Airport.
(Please print out this information sheet and bring it with you for your own use and to give to the taxi driver for the direction to go to Manjushri Retreat Center.)
From Suvarnabhumi Airport:
Public taxi stall is located on the ground floor of Suvarnabhumi airport. After luggage pickup, go through the custom and go out to the arrival area, look for the public taxi signs and follow them to the ground floor. Get out of the building and go to the public taxi stalls located on the curb in front of the building. There are three stalls to choose i.e. short distance taxi, regular taxi, and taxi with large room for luggage. Choose the regular taxi stall, and press the queue machine for the queue ticket. Look for the parking slot that has the same queue number on your queue ticket. Tell the driver that you want to go to “Klong Sib, Pathumthani”, and show him the direction to reach the Manjushri Retreat Center. Choose the taxi that has the mobile phone with google map application to be used as the navigator, most taxi has it. If He does not have it, ask him to read the direction to the Manjushri Retreat Center. If he doesn’t know, tell him to call the number indicated in the direction sheet to talk with the person who can communicate with the driver in Thai language. The taxi fee is indicated in the meter on the front console next to the driver. You have to also pay an extra charge of 50 Baht, in addition to the fee indicated in the meter. Also you have to pay 70 Baht for the express way at the toll gate (the driver can also pay and will include it in the taxi charge.) Pay the fee to the driver after you reach the Center. There is no taxi receipt. It will takes about an hour and a half for travelling from Suvarnabhumi airport to the Manjushri Retreat Canter.
Show this message to the taxi driver:
เรียนผู้ขับรถแท็กซี่ กรุณานำผู้โดยสารไปส่งที่ ศูนย์ปฏิบัติธรรมพระมัญชุศรี (Manjushri Retreat Center) ตั้งอยู่ที่ หลังสำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสาม ต. หนองเสือ คลอง 10 ถนนรังสิต นครนายก จังหวัดปทุมธานี
สามารถใช้ กูเกิลแมพ (Google Maps) นำทาง ไปยัง Manjushri Retreat Center
เส้นทางโดยย่อ คือ จาก สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ กลับเข้ากรุงเทพ โดยแยกเข้าถนนวงแหวน กาญจนาภิเษกมุ่งหน้าไปบางปะอิน เมือถึงทางแยกไปนครนายกให้แยกออกมา ประมาณคลอง 5 ขับต่อไปตามเส้นทางไปนครนายกจนถึงคลอง 9 ขับชิดซ้ายจะเห็นป้ายบอกทางไปหนองเสือ เมื่อถึงสะพานคลองสิบ ขับข้ามสะพานช้าๆเพราะต้องเลี้ยวซ้ายทันทีที่คอสะพาน ขับตรงไปประมาณ 10 กิโลเมตร จะผ่านตลาดหนองเสือ ขับไปอีกประมาณ 3 กิโลเมตรจะเห็น สำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสามอยู่ด้านขวามือ และป้ายผ้า Manjushri Retreat Center อยู่ซ้ายมือ ให้เลี้ยวขวาตรงถนนข้างสำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสาม ประมาณ หนึ่งกิโล จะเห็นยอดเจดีย์ทรงทิเบตอยู่ด้านขวามือ คือที่ตั้งของ Manjushri Retreat Center.
สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ติดต่อ
From Don Mueang International Airport
Public taxi stall is located on the ground floor of Don Mueang International airport. After luggage pickup, go through the custom and go out to the arrival area, look for the public taxi signs and follow them to the ground floor. Get the taxi queue. When the taxi arrive tell the driver that you want to go to “Klong Sib, Pathumthani”, and show him the direction to reach the Manjushri Retreat Center. Choose the taxi that has the mobile phone with google map application to be used as the navigator, most taxi has it. If He does not have it, ask him to read the direction to the Manjushri Retreat Center. If he doesn’t know, tell him to call the number indicated in the direction sheet to talk with the person who can communicate with the driver in Thai language. The taxi fee is indicated in the meter on the front console next to the driver. You have to also pay an extra charge of 50 Baht, in addition to the fee indicated in the meter. Also you have to pay 30 Baht for the express way at the toll gate (the driver can also pay and will include it in the taxi charge.) Pay the fee to the driver after you reach the Center. There is no taxi receipt. It will takes about an hour and a half for travelling from Suvarnabhumi airport to the Manjushri Retreat Canter.
Show this message to the taxi driver:
เรียนผู้ขับรถแท็กซี่ กรุณานำผู้โดยสารไปส่งที่ ศูนย์ปฏิบัติธรรมพระมัญชุศรี (Manjushri Retreat Center) ตั้งอยู่ที่ หลังสำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสาม ต. หนองเสือ คลอง 10 ถนนรังสิต นครนายก จังหวัดปทุมธานี
สามารถใช้ กูเกิลแมพ (Google Maps) นำทาง ไปยัง Manjushri Retreat Center
เส้นทางโดยย่อ คือ จาก สนามบินดอนเมือง ขึ้นทางด่วนยกระดับโดยแยกเข้าถนนไปนครนายก ผ่าน Future Park ขับต่อไปตามเส้นทางไปนครนายกจนถึงคลอง 9 ขับชิดซ้ายจะเห็นป้ายบอกทางไปหนองเสือ เมื่อถึงสะพานคลองสิบ ขับข้ามสะพานช้าๆเพราะต้องเลี้ยวซ้ายทันทีที่คอสะพาน ขับตรงไปประมาณ 10 กิโลเมตร จะผ่านตลาดหนองเสือ ขับไปอีกประมาณ 3 กิโลเมตรจะเห็น สำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสามอยู่ด้านขวามือ และป้ายผ้า Manjushri Retreat Center อยู่ซ้ายมือ ให้เลี้ยวขวาตรงถนนข้างสำนักงาน อบต.บึงกาสาม ประมาณ หนึ่งกิโล จะเห็นยอดเจดีย์ทรงทิเบตอยู่ด้านขวามือ คือที่ตั้งของ Manjushri Retreat Center.
สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ติดต่อ

You can read the American CDC’s recommendations here. We advise you to check with your local doctor to decide what is best for you.
It is useful to bring a small first aid pack which includes: Nausea and diarrhea medicine, travel sickness tablets, glucose powder, paracetamol tablets, saline eyewash, cold and flu tablets, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, and any other supplies you feel you may need or have been advised to bring. If you need medical assistance please be prepared to pay for it yourself.
Please let [email protected] know of your medical condition in advance if you have one. This is why we collect emergency contacts on the registration form.
Travel Insurance
We suggest medical insurance which includes evacuation and trip cancellation insurance, as well, as you never know what obstacles life can toss at you leading up to a trip. However, we do not require this coverage, we only suggest it highly. We will be in remote areas that may not have a modern medical facilities. Please plan accordingly.
Miscellaneous items
The retreat centre is not a hotel. Please bring a towel and everything you need. When attending the teachings, you will require something to sit on, so bring a meditation cushion with you and a plastic sheet in case it rains. You will most definitely need insect repellent. Other items which will come in handy are an umbrella, sunscreen, towel, hat, sunglasses, toilet paper/tissues, batteries, headlamp, camera, SD card for extra storage, torch, chargers, adaptors, pen, paper/writing book, favorite snack food, access to $500 in case of emergency and miscellaneous expenses.
We recommend drinking only bottled or boiled water, and you will want to rinse your toothbrush off in bottled water or boiled water.
You can either exchange cash in Thailand or use local ATMs. It’s best to bring some with you as we won’t have time to exchange money in many places. All of your meals and transportation are covered, so you just need personal spending money.
For most of the trip, there will not be wifi available.
Suggested Reading
There is no required preparation. If you want to familiarize your mind with any of the material related to the trip we have selected a few of the texts.
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 1 or 2 by Khentrul Rinpoche
The Kalachakra Path offers a profound method for actualizing your greatest potential and contributing to greater peace and harmony within this world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary path is revealed in a step-by-step manner, allowing students to gradually approach this uniquely comprehensive system in a structured and methodical way.
Please bring the profound path of Vajra Yoga prayer book or the Ngondro prayers with you. Available at store.dzokden.org Please access the learning center in advance for the Vishvamata texts.
General rules
- The rooms are for at least 2 people.
- All meals are included in the tour costs and are pre-ordered. If you have any special requests please let us know when you register. We can not accommodate all needs but will do our best.
- Please be punctual and attend all sessions where possible.
- It is recommended that any personal items be kept in a locked bag. The Dzokden Rime Institute cannot be held responsible for any items left around the property that is stolen or damaged.
Food Or Medical Issues
If you have a serious food allergy or medical condition we should know about please inform us by email to discuss it as soon as possible. You are responsible for your medical issues.
Traditionally, an offering is made to the teacher at the conclusion of the retreat (please note that this is entirely optional) as a gesture of appreciation. You can offer whatever you think is appropriate. However, here are a few suggestions – a card, money, or other items. A Tibetan offering scarf (khata) is given to the teacher as a blessing as part of the ceremony. You need to bring your own. It is best to offer a new nice quality Khata out of respect. Also for offerings, it is not suitable to offer Rinpoche items so large he can not put them in his luggage, candles, incense or tibetan prayer flags which are normal temple supplies which we already have.