How to Practice Kalachakra – Vajrasattva


Apr 12 2025


10:00 am – 3:00 pm


  • Caron Hill
    Caron Hill

    Caron has been engaged in practice and study at the centre since 2012 and has attended a number of retreats such as Bardo, Chod and Tara and received empowerments in – Innate Kalachakra, Samaya Tara and Jambhala. For the last 2 years Caron has focused on Buddhist Philosophy and practice in the Six Perfections, engaging in the Bodhisattva path.

    Caron is also a Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner and Founder of Makoto ReikiDo which focuses on the spiritual aspect of Reiki Practice. Caron offers treatments and a range of classes and workshops at the a Temple and has an active Reiki community Sangha. She also volunteers in a range of centre activities.


Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute


Rimé Institute
1584 Burwood Highway, Belgrave, Victoria 3160

Online Attendance through Dzokden Learning
In-Person at the Rime Institute

Practicing the Kalachakra Path – The Path of Awakening

Purifying negativities through the practice of Vajrasattva

The Buddha taught many methods of purification for the purpose of realising the ground of our true nature. Vajrasattva is one of the most well known, applied and powerful methods used in Buddhism across lineages. Vajrasattva practice allows you to uncover the reality of your Buddha nature which is hidden as a result of our defilements created by attachment, aggression and delusion. 

This 2 day course will guide participants through a range of topics and practical methods for the application of purification practice :

  1. The obscurations to the realisation of suchness and what needs to be purified
  2. Establishing the view and approach to the purification method
  3. The visualisation and stages of the practice
  4. The mantra and its meanings
  5. Purification approaches 

In this 2 week course, Sat 12th April & Sat 19th April 10am-3pm – we will cover the essential aspects of Vajrasattva purification according to the Kalachakra path.

At the end of this course – you should have an understanding of the essential components of Vajrasattva and be able to practice on your own.

What to expect each week – each week we will be reciting the stansas from the practice book, meditation and reflection & Q&A time.

Required reading/texts:

Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path

The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Prayer Book

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 1: The External Reality

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 2: The Internal Reality

The above resources are recommended but not essential. Some resources will be provided in support of your learning and ongoing practice.

These texts can be purchased in person at the temple if you do not wish to purchase online.

Online Course Access
All In-person and online attendees will get access to the online course through Dzokden’s global learning centre. You will be invited to and receive a class access to the zoom meeting information and the class.

Book Event

By booking this event you can attend all occurrences. Some of them are listed below but there might be more.
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Program Fee
$120 AUD
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Available Tickets: Unlimited

This covers in-person or online attendance for the 2 weeks

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