How to Practice Kalachakra – Guru Yoga
Julie O’Donnell
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At an early age, Julie searched for a deeper meaning to life until finally at the age of 22 found the precious Buddhist path of Dharma. She dedicated her life to the practice, living in temples and serving teachers from around the world practicing the Buddhist teachings and living according to its principles. Julie has spent the last 34 years practicing this ancient path and for the past twelve years has lived at the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute in Tecoma helping the resident teacher Khentrul Rinpoche.
Julie is now one of the senior teachers at the temple giving classes on meditation and basic Buddhist principals that can be applied to our everyday lives. Julie also manages the temple and arranges a program of courses, tours and fundraising activities to support the temple.
Online Attendance through Dzokden Learning
In-Person at the Rime Institute
Practicing the Kalachakra Path – The Path of Awakening
Guru Yoga is a practice of devotion toward our spiritual teacher, known as the gateway to enlightenment. In this course we will learn through a process of study and meditation how to transform our mind and see that the Guru is an awakened being. As we discover more about our own true nature we gradually come to see what Guru Yoga truly means.
With this understanding, we are able to merge this practice into our lives bringing more depth and meaning to our everyday experiences and a greater connection to others.
In this 4 week course, Sat 6th Sept, Sat 13th Sept, Sat 20th Sept, Sat 27th Sept – we will cover the essential aspects of Guru Yoga according to the Kalachakra path.
At the end of this course – you should have an understanding of the essential components of Vajrasattva and be able to practice on your own.
What to expect each week – each week we will be reciting the stansas from the practice book, meditation and reflection & Q&A time.
Required reading/texts:
Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path
The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Prayer Book
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 1: The External Reality
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book 2: The Internal Reality
The above resources are recommended but not essential. Some resources will be provided in support of your learning and ongoing practice.
These texts can be purchased in person at the temple if you do not wish to purchase online.
Online Course Access
All In-person and online attendees will get access to the online course through Dzokden’s global learning centre. You will be invited to learn.dzokden.org and receive a class access to the zoom meeting information and the class.