2024 Kalachakra New Year’s Puja and Deity Yoga


Apr 23 2024


Melbourne, Australia Timezone
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


[email protected]


Rimé Institute
1584 Burwood Highway, Belgrave, Victoria 3160

This event is FREE and available both Online and In-person.

On this incredible auspicious full moon day hundreds of years ago, Shakyamuni Buddha in the form of the Yidam Deity appeared in Amravati to turn the wheel of Dharma. On this incredible day marking the month of Nakpa Dawa, at the request of King Suchandra from Shambhala, the Kalachakra Tantra was taught along with all other forms of tantra from the 4 faces of Kalachakra while the Buddha in the form of a monk simultaneously taught the Heart Sutra on Vulture Peak Mountain. While we do not have the full form of the Tantra that was taught that day, the abridged form of the Tantra that we have now is still the most extensive Tantra in the world. It has incredibly detailed and clear instructions explaining how to work with the external world, and the internal world to reveal the enlightened nature.

Last year, also on this auspicious day, HE Jigme Dorje Rinpoche, who was the Abbott of Dzamthgna Monastery and the head of the Jonang lineage, passed into Pari-nirvana. In remembrance of HE and in honor of this precious day, join us in the practice of Guru and the Innate Kalachakra Deity Yogas with Khentrul Rinpoche. We will be using the text Enlightening the Heart as well as reciting 2 prayers to HE Jigme Dorje Rinpoche.

Prayers to HE Jigme Dorje are Available in the Unrestricted Prayers and Texts
015 – The Kalki’s Roar of Courage from the Depths of Grief
016 – Prayer of Blessing to Clear the Darkness

Learn about HE Jigme Dorje Rinpoche 

Rinpoche will do an audio recording of some stories on Jigme Dorje Rinpoche pictures can come from here. 

Schedule by Timezone

Melbourne, Australia – TUESDAY April 23, 2024 / 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Zoom Information

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81399489709?pwd=OFkxV3NCNHFQanVNancyODlBaGtwdz09
Webinar ID: 813 9948 9709     Passcode: 108108

Please email [email protected]