Kalachakra Statue

“I made one Kalachakra statue that is more expensive than a small house. I made this why? Because all the Kalachakra images in the shops and monastery and everywhere are incorrect. I have never seen one statue or thangka 100% correct. That is indicating that our Kalachakra tantra is almost dying on this earth. That means our connection with Shambhala is very tiny. We need to revive this.”


Receive the Blessings of the World’s Most Authentic Kalachakra Statue

Visit our temple to see the pure form of 24 armed Kalachakra. Just seeing the form body of the Deity without errors creates the karma in your mind for realization.

The Importance of an Authentic Form of the Deity

What do all human beings want? We can guarantee two things, the first one is that we all want happiness and satisfaction. The other thing is that we want to have genuine global peace and harmony. For us to be able to do this, we must go beyond the most superficial level and look deeply at the true causes of our suffering. The Kalachakra System provides us with the wisdom and methods to accomplish this goal. The Kalachakra System, which offers great benefits for our modern world, is unknown by the vast majority of people. The few images and statues that do exist, are often mistaken and are not made in strict accordance with the Kalachakra root text.

In order to bring benefit to future of our world as well as preserving the authenticity of Kalachakra system and practice, Khentrul Rinpoche constructed an authentic 24-Armed Kalachakra statue. This 2.3 meter tall statue was meticulously crafted from copper and gold by a very talented artist working in close collaboration with experts from the Jonang Kalachakra Tradition.

Khentrul Rinpoche spent two years working with scholars, monks, and master carvers to create the perfect version of Kalachakra according to the Root tantric texts. It’s important to have actual form bodies of the Deity to rely on in our world. It helps strengthen our connection with Shambhala and, therefore, helps create conditions for the Golden Age on our earth. If you visit our temple even for a short time to see this statue, you will receive the blessings of the Wheel of Time teachings.

Having an accurate statue, a model in our world, is the first step to practicing the Kalachakra Tantra. 

Khentrul Rinpoche


Meanings of Kalachakra Statue

Every aspect of the Kalachakra statue is connected to multiple layers of meaning to remind us of our ultimate potential to achieve enlightenment. While a full description of all of these different meanings would take up many hundreds of pages, the following are some of the key points to keep in mind:

Kalachakra and Vishvamata in Union
The inseparability of the mind of immeasurable love and compassion with the wisdom that knows the ultimate nature of reality.

One Body with Two Legs
The middle way view that knows the purity of ultimate truth, free from the two extremes
of eternalism or nihilism.

Two Deities Under Feet
The strength to overcome afflicted states of minds such as hatred, attachment, ignorance and pride.

Three Necks
Three enlightened qualities of the Buddha: the altruistic thought to benefit all sentient beings, the limitless enlightened activities motivated by that thought and the complete absence of distorted ways of thinking.

Four Faces
The four indestructible aspects of a Buddha’s enlightened body, speech, mind and primordial wisdom.

Six Shoulders
The perfected qualities of generosity, ethical discipline, patience, joyful effort, meditative concentration, and wisdom.

Twelve Upper Arms
The twelve stages of purity which are experienced as one progresses on the Kalachakra Path.

Twenty­Four Lower Arms
The ultimate purity of the interdependent nature of reality experienced as two sets of the twelve links that give rise to cyclic existence and nirvana, respectively.

Receive the Blessings of the Worlds’ Most Authentic Kalachakra Statue

Visit our temple to see the pure form of 24 armed Kalachakra. Just seeing the form body of the Deity without errors creates the karma in your mind for realization. Khentrul Rinpoche spent 2 years working with scholars, monks and master carvers to create the perfect version of Kalachakra according to the Root tantric texts. It’s important to have actual form bodies of the Deity to rely on in our world. It helps strengthen our connection with Shambhala and therefore helps create conditions for the Golden Age on our earth. If you visit our temple even for a short time to see this statue, you will receive the blessings of the Wheel of Time teachings. The statue is filled with Relics and Extensive Mantras from All of the Tibetan Buddhist Traditions

Relics in the Kalachakra Statue
It is customary in Tibetan Buddhist tradition to fill a Buddhist statue with many holy objects of Shakyamuni Buddha, Saints, Gurus, Bodhisattvas and Yogis to make it more powerful and beneficial for those who see it. When a statue is finished, its hollow interior and all cavities inside the image are filled with mantra rolls, relics, jewels and semi-precious jewels, incense and other precious objects. Specific areas are filled in a traditional way with each part having a special method of placing the relics and performing mantra. When each part of the body has been filled with relics and the chanting completed the base of the statue is sealed with a metal or wooden plate, which usually carries an image of a double vajra. Lastly, lamas give life to the statue with prayers and blessings.

Relics can include bone or corpse relics of a holy person or fragments of close physical possessions, such as robes and clothing. They can also include certain very blessed mantras found in sutras and tantras, known as Dharmakaya relics (the actual presence of the enlightened mind in the world). Others include fragments of sacred sutras or manuscripts that had been hand written by a holy being. Another relic known as a Tsa Tsa is a form of Buddhist art, (usually a small statue), that has flourished for centuries in Tibet and is generally made from clay or earth. On very special occasions, the clay or earth is mixed with some of the remains of a very holy being. This is believed to bring incredible blessings.

The most visually unique relics in the Buddhist tradition, however, are the pearl-like crystals found among the cremation ashes of Buddhist masters. The relics are considered a result of the master’s special compassion and wisdom, and are often enshrined in stupas. Here is a list of the incredible relics and holy objects that have been authentically placed inside the Kalachakra statue by senior Lamas of the Jonang tradition inTibet. In addition to this, many tantric Buddhist rituals and millions of mantras have been recited to bless this holy Kalachakra image. Some of the more rare relics include pieces of Kunkyen Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltan’s clothing, a small piece of his shoe and a hair relic and pieces of Taranatha’s clothing. There are also two hair relics of Milarepa and a tsa tsa made from the blood and bone of the seventh Gyalwa Karmapa. To give a more precise description of the collection of relics we have categorised them into seven groups.

  • Mystical Relics (Relics that appear magically)

  • Relics made from the blood, bone and flesh of holy beings
  • Relics made from the clothing of holy beings

  • Relics made from sacred scrolls and manuscripts

  • Relics made from ritual objects and holy substances

  • Relics made from holy objects made by great Lamas

  • Relics and objects collected from holy sites

Relic pills blessed by an emanation of Manjushri, a holy pill made from the magical appearance of a relic of Buddha Kasyapa, relics of Shakyamuni Buddha. Pills made from relics collected by most of the Dalai Lamas. Pills made from the Relics of Santarakshita. Pills made from the magical appearance of relics from the seven Buddhas Vipassī, Sikhī, Vessabhū, Kakusandha, Koṇāṇ gamana, Kassapa, and Gautama. These were preserved by King Songtsen Gampo. Relics of Tsering Jong Jigme Sangay, Jarung Khashor and Naropa. Relics of Tsering Jong Jigme Sangay and Jarung Khashor. A relic of Naropa and relics of Yachan and Khedrub Khyungpo and a naturally appearing image of Vimalamitra . Part of the naturally appearing statue of Karmpa owned by Ganden Choegyal..

Bone of Buddha Kashyapa and part of his teeth, a tooth relic of Buddha Shakyamuni‘s and a miniature moulded figure of his clan, a tooth relic of Mahamaudgalana, a piece of Santarakshita’s crown. Relics of Marpa and his son, a tooth relic of Gampopa, relics of Sadaparudita, a tooth relic of Dharmodagate, a relic of Tarantha and a relic of the brain of Sadaparudita. A hair relic of Dolpopa. Relics of Mahamaudgalyana’s, Dharmodgate, Dharma Dodey(Marpa‘s son) Gampopa.

Flesh relics of Jetsun Taranatha, Brain relics of Longchen Rabjampa Bone relics of Terdak Lingpa, flesh relic of Jigme Lingpa and Ugyen Lingpa. Relics of Kunkyen Pema Karpo‘s brain, relics of Gungthang Lama’s skull. Relics of Penchen Tenpai Nyima, Sheldrak Durkrod Ralchen, Chokling Terbyon‘s Guru. Relics of Tsogyal’s bodhicitta, Tsogyal‘s Jewel relics of Guru Choewang. An image of Arya Tara made from the bones of Lama Lodro Dakapa Relics of Kamalashila’s clan, Drigung Jigten Gonpo‘s clan, Mother Dagmema(Marpa’s wife)‘s crown. Relics of Prince Mu Tri Tsangpo, relics of Jamyang Kyentse’s thirty five Rakata son‘s. A statue of Dolpopa made from the bone of Dhongwa Kyabgon. An image of Tara made from the bones of Labso Lama Ngawang Choezen Gyamtso. The Bones and his collection of holy relics from Jetson Lama Lobsang Trinley. Shayu Lama NgagLu’s bones. Tsa Tsa from Lama Dhongtsa. Bone relics of Atisha and Tsa Tsa of his corpse. Bone relics of Gampo Lodro Gyatso, relics of Kulong Yonten Yatso, Minling Terch and Jetsen Yonten Sangpo. Relics of Gyalwa Garwang, relics of his father, relics of Kyong Rinpoche, relics of Tsangyang Gyatso and Gyawa Rinpoche. A tooth relic of Bodhisattva Lowang, relics of King Darge Namgyal Drubchen Kunga lodro, Kunga Drolchok’s clan and Lama Chungchuwo A tooth relic of Buteon, bone relic of the seventh Karmapa, Tsaku Ngawang Drakpa, Gyawa Kalsang Gyatso, His Eminence Changwa Dhongtsa, Tsechu Ratna Kirti, Gelek Gyatso and Lama Ngakun. Relics of His eminence Matig, a hair relic of Biru, Drontonpa, Gyalwa Tsongkhawa, Nangsa, Patrul Sangye Lingpa, Ra Lotsawa,

Relics Made From The Clothing Of Holy Beings

Pieces of clothing from Sheldrak Guru, Nyiserma, Tilopa, relics of Marpa’s meditating cord and part of his cotton shawl. A relic of Gyaltsab Je, a relic of Dagpo’s meditation cord and clothing. A relic of Jetsun Mingyur Paldon, and Paltrul Sangye Lingpa. A piece of clothing from Drodul Lingpa, a relic of Gotsangpa’s meditating cord, a relic of Songtsen’s shoe, a relic of Tsonapa and a relic of Podong Shorgyal’s hat. Relics of Sakya Lama Sonam Gyaltsen, a relic of King Tangtong(Tangtong gyalpo)’s hat. A piece of Taranatha’s hat, a piece of clothing from LamaRabten, Lama Lotrin and other great Lamas from Zigyul.

Relics Made From Ancient Scrolls And Manuscripts

A sky treasure revealed by Guru Dudul Gyalpo, yellow scroll of a secret text-command seal, a relic of Beru’s writing on Lama Gong’s palm leaf, Writings from the translator Kawa Paltsek, relics of Tsedak, Tsogyal’s yellow scroll writing, Terton Choeje Lingpa’s writing, relics of doctrines composed by Dargye Jamchen Ling.

A relic of the thigh bone trumpet of Machik Labdron. A relic of yellow scroll from Kabgya Deshek Depal, writing of King Trisong Deutsen and Yeshi Tsogyal’s writing. Relics from Darge and the ash of many Kangur and Tangyur from Dzamthang.

Relics Made From Ritual Objects And Holy Substances

Relics of Rigzin Shersangha, relics of a treasure of the eight Vidyadharas of Chokling, a relic pill from one of Padmasambhavas 25 disciples, 25 relic pills of Vimalamitra, a torma relic of Orgyen Lingpa, a relic pill of Minling and relic pills of Dortak. Relics of pieces of objects owned by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s mother, red relic pills of Taranatha, a relic pill of Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso, Ja Zigma. Relics of the 14th Dalai lama’s Kilaya and mani pills, sand from many Kalachakra empowerments, a black relic pill from Dakpal, a relic pill of Sakya Tridho made by Drogon Choegyal Phagpa , relic pills of Dilgo Kyentse, black relic pills of the seventh Gyalwa Karmapa, relic pills of Sogtsi Kunsang Tenzin, relic pills of Ngawang Choedak. Crystal relics of Sarasvati, a torma relic of Ngawang Khenrab Tenzin, relics of Sakya Mantradhara, relics of Sheldrol and the sixth Gongthang. Relic pills from Ganden, Drepung and Drikung and Sera monasteries, relic pills of Kham Dudjom and Jartsom Nyingpo. Many sacred objects collected from monasteries in the Usang region of Tibet Sacred substances and objects collected by Lama Lodoe Chakpa. Sacred relics and objects accumulated by Vajra Master Lama Yonten Sangpo over his lifetime. Sacred objects and 1o12 relics collected by Dharma Master Jigme Phuntsok from Larong. The relics included those of Je Mipam Namgyal Gyamtso
Many sacred relics made by His Eminence Matig and his student, Relics from Zamling Kyinor, relics of Palyul Choktul, relics of Jamyang Shepa, Lobsang Sangye Dorje, Sagang (a hermit), Bhutan and Jatsig Ama. Relics from Nyingma, Geluk and Kagyu texts, relics of Drigong Dampa, relics of a Rakata which was offered to Ngawa Chenpo by Khandro Sangwa Yeshi, relics of MinlingTengam, relics of the 10th Panchen Lama, relics of Tsultrim, Drupa, Jamyang Kunga Sonam, Tsewang Rigzin, Ngulshel Geshe and Achuk Tsang. Relics from Kirti, and Dzamthang monasteries, relics from His eminence Matig and Choeje Jigme Phuntsok, Pills from Yamantaka and Hayagriva rituals, relics of the ritual objects made by Je Lab Rinpa during the destruction in Lhasa. Relics from, Jetsun Yonten Sangpo,, Lama Kalden,Triwang Chusum, Je Lama and Jigme Dorje.

Remains of the inner monument surrounding the Buddha statue constructed by Nagarjuna in Bodhgaya. Relics from Tibet and China’s Sacred places. Relics from Mount Kailash, Larong Monastery and Yachan. Relics from Ganden and Changkya. Some pieces of the tombs of many great spiritual leaders collected after the cultural revolution. Relics of Kasyapa, Matig, Je Yonten Sangpo and Je Tsong Khapa. Various branches and objects collected from the holy sites where the 8 manifestations of Guru Rinpoche appeared. Relics from Larong Gar, and sacred earth, grain, river residue and a holy stone from holy sites in Utsang. Holy objects collected from Tarsok monastery.


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