Amrita Teahouse and Shop Opening Celebration

Amrita Teahouse and Shop Opening Celebration

We welcome you all to come and celebrate the official opening of the Amrita Tea House & Store at our Belgrave Temple.

The name of the store ‘Amrita’ was chosen by Khentrul Rinpoche and has significant spiritual meaning on many levels. Amrita is a Sanskrit term that is literally translated to mean ‘divine nectar’ or ‘immortality.’ In the context of Ayurvedic medicine, “amrita” is understood to be the nectar of the gods. Divine Nectar or Amrita is a substance which is produced by the human body once the flow of kundalini through the central channel becomes strong.

With this is mind, The Amrita Tea House and Store will be a place where practitioners can come and find products to aid their spiritual progress and overall health and wellbeing. 

The store will stock spiritual aids such as reading materials, meditation and yoga products, amulets, and ritual items. We will also stock unique health products such as chai, golden and milk teas and a number of herbal wellness teas. To enhance your environment we will stock candles, plants, crystals, incense and essential oils.

Opening Details 

When – Saturday June 18th 2022 – 10am-4pm

Where – Amrita Tea House and Store, 1584 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave (Inside the temple grounds)

What’s on 

• Sang Offering for Store Opening weather enabling

• Drop-In Free Reiki Clinic. You can also pay it forward and offer a donation.

• Free gift of a micro-astrology reading with purchases of $108 or more.

Why$108? 108 is an important number in spirituality and also in astrology representing the entirety of the universe. There are 27 Nakshastras special stars in the sky that each have 4 sections which then make 108. There are also 12 Rashis (signs) and Grahas (planets) that circle them in Vedic astrology also meaning 108. So it’s the full cycle of karma and liberation.

Kalachakra New Year Aboriginal Smoke Offering  & Prayer Flag Raising Day – Land of Shambhala

Kalachakra New Year Aboriginal Smoke Offering & Prayer Flag Raising Day – Land of Shambhala

Saturday 7th May 2022 – 10am-4pm

Join us for Kalachakra New Year (Nakpa Dawa time at Land of Shambhala! Nakpa Dawa is the day that the Buddha first taught the Kalachakra so it marks a special day for Kalachakra practitioners. We celebrate this event with a Aboriginal Smoke Offering to bless the land at Land of Shamabala to help bring prosperity and clear obstacles.

Aboriginal Smoke Offering

An Aboriginal smoke offering is a practice followed by Aboriginal Australians for thousands of years which involves the smouldering of native plants to produce smoke. The smoke is said to have cleansing properties for the people and surrounding lands and promotes protection and wellbeing. The smoke offering will begin with a welcome to country.

Raising of Prayer Flags

We will also be raising new prayer flags to promote peace and prosperity. The prayers and mantras that are printed on the prayer flags will be spread by the wind and prosperity to the place they are hung and surrounding areas. 

The five colours of the flags are also symbolic and represent a different element: blue for space, white for air, red for fire, green for water, and yellow for earth.

We will be providing a light lunch on the day for all community members. Bring something to share is encouraged.

Everyone Welcome