利美佛学院的弘法活动Library and Prison Book Project Fundraiser 2021 ZH
The Rimé Institute developed Khentrul Rinpoche's book series Unveiling Your Sacred Truth and the commentary the Hidden...

Library and Prison Book Project Fundraiser 2021 ZH
The Rimé Institute developed Khentrul Rinpoche's book series Unveiling Your Sacred Truth and the commentary the Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path over many years. As time went on, we have improved the editions. We had some early editions in our storage unit that...

Consecration of the Kalachakra Statue ZH
Dear Friends in the Dharma, We have had a busy couple of months at the temple in Belgrave,...

Kalachakra Arrives in Australia ZH
The Tibetan Buddhist Rimé Institute is pleased to announce the arrival in Melbourne of a very...

Kalachakra Empowerment in Bodhgaya ZH
Last month the Rimé Institute organised a tour and retreat in Bodhgaya, India as part of the 34th...