by Sydney | 6 月 27, 2017 | Latest News
Dear Friends in the Dharma,
We have had a busy couple of months at the temple in Belgrave, Australia with a very special visit from H.E Kathog Rigzin Chenpo. His Eminence gave a series of teachings and empowerment’s to a very lucky group of students in Melbourne in May. Following the teachings, Khentrul Rinpoche and H.E Kathog Rigzin Chenpo lead the consecration ceremony of the 24 Arm Kalachakra statue that also arrived in Melbourne last month. It was a great honour for all those who were able to witness and take part in this extraordinary event.
The statue was later installed at the Rimé temple in Belgrave on June 10th 2017. This date was originally chosen because of the auspiciousness of it being Sakadawa and a full moon. A great omen also followed when Rinpoche realised that this day also correlated with the passing into Parinirvana of Lama Lobsang Trinley, Khentrul Rinpoche’s root lama. The statue will be on display to the general public in our upcoming open day on 21st August 2017. The statue will only be on display once a year to the public so please don’t miss out on seeing this extraordinary and important focal point in Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and for greater peace and harmony in this world.
Please enjoy a selection of photos from the great events at TBRI over the last couple of months:

H.E Kathog Rigzin Chenpo

Khentrul Rinpoché translating.

The 24 Arm Statue of Shri Kalachakra

The Consecration Ceremony

The Flower Garland Offering

The Installation of the statue at Rimé Belgrave, Australia.

The blessing ceremony of the statue at Rimé Belgrave, Australia.
by Sydney | 5 月 11, 2017 | Latest News
The Tibetan Buddhist Rimé Institute is pleased to announce the arrival in Melbourne of a very unique tantric statue of the Kalachakra deity in union with consort. For the first time ever, the general public will have a rare opportunity to learn about the unique symbolism and purpose behind this controversial form that is traditionally known only to advanced adepts of Buddhist Tantra. The statue will be on display in North Fitzroy for three days from the 19th to the 21st of May.
The exhibition is part of a much greater effort by the Rimé Kalachakra Master Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö to raise awareness of the unique benefits and methods presented in the ancient tradition of Kalachakra Tantra. This extraordinary system of practice is specifically designed to help people connect on a very profound level to their ultimate nature as a way to cultivate greater peace and harmony in their lives. As such, the Kalachakra Tantra is closely linked to the concept of world peace and the removal of conflict. It is this connection which makes Kalachakra extremely relevant in times of global turmoil such as those that we are living in now.

The completed Kalachakra Statue on display in Hong Kong, just before coming to Melbourne.

Rinpoché demonstrating the unique features of the statue.
In celebration of the arrival of the Kalachakra statue in Australia, we have organised a special series of teachings and empowerments as part of Khentrul Rinpoché’s Global Tour for World Peace 2017 which began in Bodhgaya, India earlier this year. For the events in Melbourne, Khentrul Rinpoché has also invited the highly respected non-sectarian master Kathog Rigzin Chenpo to bestow various empowerments. His Eminence is recognised as the ninth incarnation of the great Kalachakra Master Sabsang Mati Panchen and is therefore known to have a very strong connection to the Kalachakra tradition. Out of the mutual respect shared between these two extraordinary masters, they have decided to work together to create an extremely precious opportunity for everyone living in the greater Melbourne area. The following schedule of events will be spread across various venues throughout the month of May, 2017:
MAY 17 & 18:
Tibetan Buddhist Rimé Institute, 1584 Burwood Highway, Belgrave, VIC, 3160
Innate Kalachakra Empowerment
Wed. May 17, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Connect with the very essence of perfect love and compassion in union.
Samaya Tara Empowerment
Thu. May 18, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
A very unique practice especially connected to Rigzin Chenpo that is designed to clear away obstacles and increase merits.
MAY 19-21:
St. Brigid’s Parish Hall, 378 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy North, Melbourne, VIC, 3068
Jambhala Empowerment
Fri. May 19, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Create the causes for wealth and prosperity so that you can achieve what you set out to do and bring benefit to others.
Shri Kalachakra Empowerment
Sat. May 20 & Sun. May 21, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
This empowerment will lead you to a deeper level of your own sacred truth by introducing you to a complete path to enlightenment.
by Sydney | 2 月 14, 2017 | Latest News
Last month the Rimé Institute organised a tour and retreat in Bodhgaya, India as part of the 34th Kalachakra Empowerment with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Khentrul Rinpoche and many of his students from around the globe joined hundreds of thousands of devotees at the event given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Following this a select group of students embarked on further retreats and a pilgrimage of the holy sites of Bodhgaya.
Vanessa, one of Rinpoche’s senior students, tells her tale of the events:
Having visited the famous pilgrimage destinations of Vulture Peak Mountain and the ruins of Nalanda University, and after attending the rituals, teachings and empowerment ceremonies with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the crowds began to disperse, leaving the members of the Rime tour group to prepare for the second phase of the program.

Evening Study Sessions at the Hotel

Rinpoché leads us in prayers at Vulture’s Peak Mountain

The rock on which the Buddha taught the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras.
Comparative to the dust and commotion of the previous ten days, sharing Bodhgaya with somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 people, we withdrew to the relative peace and calm of the hotel to turn our minds further inward by participating in the Innate Kalachakra retreat and the Kalachakra meditation retreat.

Kalachakra Sand Mandala at the teaching ground

Extensive offerings in the main mandala house.

The Rimé Store set up outside the teaching ground.
During this time we were offered the unique opportunity to learn and become familiar with the profound Vajra Yoga path, practicing in a supportive environment, together with enthusiastic and dedicated students from all over the world. We also had the great fortune to sit near the bodhi tree at the beautiful Mahabodhi temple with Khentrul Rinpoche, offering prayers and meditating where the Buddha himself attained enlightenment.

The Mahabodhi Stupa, built on the site of the Buddha’s enlightenment.

Retreat participants meditating at the base of the Mahabodhi Stupa.
With the forming of many friendships and wonderful connections made between new dharma brother and sisters, this year’s Kalachakra tour was undoubtedly a tremendous success, one that will be remembered warmly by all those who attended.