Library and Prison Book Project Fundraiser 2021 ZHK

Library and Prison Book Project Fundraiser 2021 ZHK

多年以來,利美學院開發了夏.堪祖仁波切的《見證你的佛性》叢書和《聖道秘寶 》釋論。 隨著時間的推移,我們對版本進行了改進。我們的倉庫裡有一些早期的版本,仍然可以利益眾生,因此我們將夏.堪祖仁波切的這些早期英文版書籍寄給了英語和漢語地區的圖書館和監獄。
為何要包括監獄圖書館 《時輪金剛密續》中說,即使是犯下五無間罪的人也可以修習時輪金剛並接受灌頂。每個人都有佛性,因此都有覺悟自性的潛能。 我們希望通過公共圖書館系統或監獄圖書館系統,確保盡可能多的人能夠接觸到這些教法。每個有興趣和潛力的人都應該能夠接觸到佛法。 研究還表明,在獄中接觸過精神信仰和宗教培訓的人,獲釋後重犯的可能性將減少,因此重返監獄的可能性也會減少。 公眾是如何説明實現這一目標的? 這些書籍是我們免費提供的,但我們需要依靠捐贈者的佈施來支付書籍的運輸費用。我們已經籌集了足夠的資金,並成功地為這個項目寄出了多達 300 本書籍,其中大部分書籍寄往了澳大利亞、加拿大、美國、英國和紐西蘭。通過 Dzokden,我們成為美國 “慈悲於監獄”項目的首批支持者之一,該專案致力於將囚犯和管教人員與佛法聯繫起來。
A New Year Message from Khentrul Rinpoche ZHK

A New Year Message from Khentrul Rinpoche ZHK

Khentrul Rinpoche’s 2021 Message

Hello the participants of the Rime Institute.

Happy New Year!

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you so, so much all of you, whoever is participating Rime Institute’s activities, classes, translations, and even donators and everybody.

This is very, very meaningful. So please be aware this is incredible meaningful and beneficial for everybody. Why? Because the Dzokden International’s, the goal is perfect peace and harmony of Golden Age. So that is whether people are aware or not, it is everybody’s heart desire in the most absolute, the goal, you know. So this is incredible profound, yet very, very practical. Each human being really needs that. The whole world need that. And also eventually this is benefit all sentient beings.

So no matter how we are small, or we are not incredible wealthy yet, or your donations, or your participate, no matter how small and you are contributing these oceans of profound activity. So please be aware of this and rejoice. And I say again, Happy New Year, and we’re going to have great year 2021 because we done incredible merit. So this is going to be source of perfect, each individual’s life, and our goal of the Golden Age for the world.

Thank you.

Khentrul Rinpoche
December 29, 2020

Prayer Flags Raised at Land of Shambhala ZHK

Prayer Flags Raised at Land of Shambhala ZHK

We have had a magnificent long weekend of volunteer activities at the Land of Shambhala accomplishing many tasks that coincided with Saka Dawa.

We completed the prayer flag raising at the top of the hill whilst listening to prayers from Zhamtang for the local deities and dharma protectors.

Beside the entrance driveway, we raised 16 vertical prayer flag poles in the ground which flicker with brilliance in the wind.

Also lining the entrance driveway behind the prayer flag poles we planted, mulched and protected eight of our red maple feature trees which will have a vibrant red hue in the spring and summer months.

We finished off the weekend with many prayers, a smoke offering and sealed the merit with a dedication prayers to conclude the auspicious weekend.

A big thank our fabulous volunteer sangha who worked tirelessly to make this all happen.

Want to get involved?
Our upcoming Land of Shambhala volunteer days are scheduled every two weeks from June through to September with the next one being on Saturday 20th June 2020. Please check out our event calendar for further details and to register your interest in joining us.

Sponsor Kalachakra New Year and Land of Shambhala Ritual Activities from May 7-10th ZHK

Sponsor Kalachakra New Year and Land of Shambhala Ritual Activities from May 7-10th ZHK

Traditionally, people sponsor prayer rituals with aspirations for generating merit, clearing obstacles, a happier life, prosperity, better rebirth for their loved ones, long life, peace, and enlightenment for all beings.

We are offering the opportunity to our community near and far to create a karmic connection with these auspicious events in celebration of Kalachakra New Year (Nagpa Dawa) and the Land of Shambhala Consecration. Merit during this time is multiplied 100,000 times.

From May 7-10th, many rituals to make the best conditions possible for the retreat center. 

We will bury a vase at Land of Shambhala and consecrate 108 additional vases to create conditions for prosperity and harmony to arise. 

On the full moon of Nagpa Dawa at the Land Consecration ceremony, we will hold an overnight camping ritual feast. We will need to rent a tent and many supplies as well as make offerings. 

Prayer flags are for the enhancement of health, longevity, wealth, and all desirable qualities. The flags will be hung for Kalachakra New Year. Putting names on prayer flags helps clear obstacles for the coming year. Funds raised above the costs of the prayer flags will go to supporting all Land of Shambhala consecration activities.

We will read the names of all sponsors and their dedication each day during the events. For those sponsoring prayer flags, the names will additionally be written on the flags. For those sponsoring the Consecration rituals, the names will additionally be offered with the treasure vase.

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”true”]Offering Opportunities[/x_custom_headline]

Open Day in Belgrave ZHK

Open Day in Belgrave ZHK

The Dandenong Ranges community came out to celebrate The Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute Open Day on Sunday 21st August 2017. The temple was open to the general public offering a variety of classes for people to come and try out. It was a particularly special day in TBRI history as it was the first time we unveiled our Innate 24 Arm Kalachakra Statue for public viewing. The statue (pictured below) was commissioned by Khentrul Rinpoche and took over 3 years to complete. The statue is filled with many sacred and holy objects and brings extraordinary blessings to anyone who sees it. One of our resident teachers Joe Flumerfelt lead a discussion and explanation of the significance of the statue with people listening on intently (pictured below). The statue will be available again to view by general public in 2018. Local residents were able to wander the TBRI grounds and try out a number of classes including meditation, Reiki and Children’s activities. Many enjoyed a cuppa and something yummy to eat which was served by our extraordinary volunteer crew. We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who attended and shared this special day with us. Hope to see you all at the next Open Day.

Entrance to the Rimé Institute

A wide variety of Dharma books and practice materials were made available to raise money for the Temple.

The Kalachakra statue was on display in its custom-made enclosure.

Joe explains the symbolism behind the statue’s various features.